Technical Audits: Guaranteeing Compliance and Production Capacity
A technical audit enables you to assess a supplier's production capacity and technical skills. It ensures that your partners meet the standards needed to produce high-quality products while meeting your logistical requirements.
Main objectives of a technical audit :
1. Validation of know-how Check that the supplier has the necessary skills to meet the specific standards of your sector.
2. Installation compliance Inspect equipment to ensure it is suitable for production under optimum quality and safety conditions.
3. Organisation and internal processes Analysing order management, production times and process efficiency to ensure on-time delivery.
4. Production capacity Obtain precise data on the volumes that the plant can produce to meet your needs.
5. Management policy To ensure that the plant applies policies that are in line with quality and efficiency requirements.
In a nutshell Technical audits are essential for validating the technical skills and guaranteeing the logistical compliance of your suppliers.
Ethical Audits: A Responsible Approach to Sourcing
With a growing demand for ethically manufactured products, the ethical audits enable us to assess whether suppliers are complying with social and environmental standards. They ensure transparency in the supply chain, in line with the expectations of modern consumers.
Common ethical audit standards :
- Social Clause Initiative (ICS)
This standard aims to improve working conditionsin particular by combating forced labour and the child labour.
- Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)
Based onInternational Labour Organisation (ILO)This programme guarantees compliance with human rightsand decent working conditionsand the absence of discrimination.
In a nutshell Ethical audits help build a transparent supply chain that respects social and environmental rights, while meeting corporate social responsibility requirements.
Why combine technical and ethical audits in your sourcing strategy?
Integrating both technical audits and ethics offers a complete overview of your partners:
- Product quality thanks to technical audits.
- Social and environmental responsibility thanks to ethical audits.
By combining these two approaches, you can secure your supply chain while meeting growing consumer demands for ethical business practices.
At GPS Monaco Group,We support our customers in the implementation oftechnical audits and ethics in order to guarantee lasting partnerships and in line with international standards. We firmly believe that responsible sourcing is the key to sustainable and competitive growth.
Contact us to find out more about how we can help you secure your supply chains while respecting your values.